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About Me

Danielle E. Fournier

Danielle Fournier is a psychic medium and shaman in practice over 22 years.

She has been trained by amazing teachers, elders, and ancestors, including Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer, Sylvia Browne and Eileen Lock.

She is the author of 2 published books, a Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner and practicing psychic medium.


A third generation publisher, she retired from her publishing career in 2016 to launch a spiritual coaching career.

Her clients love her because of her humorous and practical approach to spiritual matters, but it’s her ability to shift their energy quickly that has them coming back over and over again.


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Intuitive Abundance Activation

Are you ready to experience an overflow of abundance?

This intuitive abundance activation audio can help activate all of your chakras and guide you to allow all of the abundance you've been blocking.

Simply listen to this soothing audio and become activated within minutes.